Ten Tips - Exam techniques

Tests and exams are a regular part of the school environment. It is important that exams be kept in proportion - they are important, but not the end of the world. Some things can be done to make exams a more valuable, worthwhile and less threatening experience for students.

1. Have all necessary material with you

You can't borrow items such as pens, pencils,
rulers or special equipment while in an examination.

2. Have a relaxing night before your exams

Have an early night, and try to have a healthy breakfast.

3. Read the entire paper.

Where you have choices, decide which ones you plan to answer.

4. Plan your time.

Spend some time drafting a plan for the questions you choose to answer.

5. Jot down ideas as they come to you.

While you are answering one question, information about another may suddenly occur to you.
Jot it down somewhere because when you come to that question perhaps an hour later, you may have forgotten it.

6. Don't leave any questions unanswered.

If you are short of time, use note form.
Remember, you can only be marked on the answers you give.

7. Never leave the room early.

If you have time at the end, go over your work, add information (eg in the margin). You can't return if you suddenly remember a fact after you have left.

8. Do not spend too long on multiple choice questions.

With multiple choice questions it is best to cover the answers and work out your own before looking at the choices on paper. If you can't answer the question come back to it later - have a guess.

9. Never omit an entire question.

No matter how well you answer other questions, you must leave time for all questions - a perfect answer can still only earn a certain number of marks. If you write nothing, you can't receive any marks and you have lost all your marks for a particular question. Write something - it may at least give you a few points.

10. Maintain a stable energy level.

Eating foods such as chocolate bars before an exam might give you an energy boost to begin with but your blood sugar levels will drop within an hour and your energy will plunge dramatically, making it hard for you to concentrate

Petua Nenek

Awet Muda
Jika anda inginkan muda, sering tersenyum adalah salah satu petuanya.
Selain daripada itu, cubalah ikut petua berikutnya:
Kisar beberapa jambul nanas dan rebus dengan air selama setengah jam.
Anggarkan air rebusan tinggal satu cawan.
Setelah sejuk barulah diminum.
Amalkan meminumnya seminggu sekali.
Wanita hamil dilarang mengamalkan cara ini.
Amalkan makan sayuran jenis daun dan ulam-ulam untuk awet muda.

Melentik Bulu Mata
Mata adalah salah satu daya penarik bagi seseorang.
Untuk memiliki mata yang cantik, di sini ada satu cara yang boleh diamalkan :-
Ambil daun lidah buaya.
Sapukan lendirnya pada bulu mata sebelum tidur.
Lakukannya berterusan

Melebatkan Bulu Kening
Bakar dua biji buah keras hingga hitam. Kemudian tumbuk hingga halus.
Sapukan pada kening setiap hari sebelum tidur.
Keesokkannya bersihkan dengan air.
Kening akan nampak lebih lebat dan menarik.

Melebatkan Bulu Mata
Rendam satu sudu besar teh di dalam air panas.
Setelah sejuk sapukan air teh di bulu mata anda. Amalkan selalu.

Mencantikkan Rambut
Daun limau purut juga boleh digunakan untuk mencantikkan rambut.
Caranya :
Ramas beberapa helai daun limau purut, sedikit air dan bunga raya.
Apabila sebati, tapis airnya dan lumurkan pada rambut anda.
Di samping memberi keharuman pada rambut ia juga menyejukkan kulit kepala.
Campurkan beberapa helai daun rambutan dengan sedikit air.
Ramas sehingga keluar airnya.
Ketika mandi, lumurkan pada rambut dan biarkan selama 15 minit.
Kemudian bilas dengan air bersih.

Hindari Rambut Gugur
Masukkan tiga sudu besar serbuk teh ke dalam secawan air mendidih.
Kemudian tapiskan.
Bancuh air teh bersama sedikit serbuk inai dan sebiji putih telur hingga sebati.
Apabila sebati, sapukan pada kulit kepala dan biarkan selama tiga jam.
Seelok-eloknya amalkan dua minggu sekali.
Tumbuk sedikit arang sehingga lumat. Kemudian campur dengan minyak kelapa.
Sapukan ramuan ini pada seluruh rambut dan biarkan selama dua jam.
Basuh rambut dengan syampu dan keringkan.
Lakukan seminggu sekali.
Campurkan air asam jawa dan santan ke dalam satu bekas.
Masukkan beberapa kuntum bunga kenanga atau bunga-bunga yang wangi.
Basuh rambut menggunakan campuran tersebut.
Rambut akan berbau harum tanpa disyampu.

Melebatkan Rambut
Setelah selesai makan, basuh tangan hingga bersih.
Tangan yang masih basah itu, lapkan pada rambut dengan berselawat tiga kali.
Ambil arang dari pokok getah, keringkan beberapa hari dan tumbuk hingga lumat.
Lumurkan ramuan ini pada rambut dan dicuci. Lakukan setiap hari.

Menghilangkan Kelemumur
Kelemumur menyebabkan kepala gatal dan mengotorkan rambut. Cara untuk mengatasinya ialah :-
Selepas rambut dibasuh, lumurkan dengan beberapa potong limau nipis. Biarkan selama 15 minit. Kemudian cuci dengan air sehingga bersih. Kelemumur bukan sahaja dapat diatasi bahkan rambut menjadi lembut dan bersinar.
Kisar tiga batang serai bersama dua biji limau nipis hingga lumat. Kemudian tapis dan ambil patinya. Sapu pada seluruh rambut seperti menggunakan syampu. Gosok rata-rata dan biarkan selama 15 minit. Bilas dengan air biasa hingga bersih. Amalkan dua kali seminggu.
Rendam halba dan kacang hijau selama setengah jam. Kemudian tumbuk sehingga hancur. Campurkan ke dalam secawan santan pekat dan sapukan pada rambut. Biarkan selama 15 minit sebelum dibilas dengan air bersih. Lakukan dua kali seminggu.

Rambut Berbuah
Ramas daun pinang. Kemudian campurkan sedikit garam kasar dan air.
Sapukan pada rambut. Bairkan selama 30 minit.
Bilas dengan air bersih. Lakukan dua minggu sekali.

Meluruskan Rambut
Ambil santan perahan pertama dari sebiji kelapa tua.
Kemudian masukkan sebiji air perahan limau nipis ke dalam santan tersebut.
Sapukan sekali sehari. Setelah itu cuci rambut dengan air sejuk.
Amalkan selama seminggu.

Mencantikkan Payu Dara
Ramai wanita yang inginkan payu dara yang cantik.
Cara untuk memilikinya ialah :-
Panaskan dua sudu besar minyak sapi kemudian sejukkan.
Sapu dan urutkan di sekeliling payu dara selama 15 minit.
Basahkan tuala dengan air suam, kemudian lap sehingga bersih.
Tumbuk sepuluh ulas bawang merah hingga halus.
Kemudian sapukan di sekitar payu dara.
Jangan terkena pada putingnya. Biarkan selama 15 minit.
Kemudian bilas dengan air bersih seperti biasa.

Payu Dara Membengkak
Daun kacang panjang dan daun sirih dibersihkan.
Ramaskan kedua-duanya hingga hancur dan tampalkan pada buah dada.
Buat berulang-ulang kali sehingga kering. Cuci dengan air bersih.

Menegangkan Payu Dara
Ibu-ibu yang menyusukan anak bimbang payu dara mereka akan menjadi kendur.
Cara untuk mengatasinya ialah dengan cara :-
Sapukan sedikit minyak kelapa pada permukaan daun sirih yang segar.
Kemudian layurkan di atas api yang sederhana panasnya.
Setelah layu, ramas dan sapukan pada payu dara kecuali putingnya.
Lakukan selama tiga hari berturut-turut.

Mengempiskan Perut
Jika anda makan nasi jangan disulami dengan air.
Ini untuk mengelakkan perut buncit.
Sebaiknya minum air dua atau tiga jam selepas makan.
Selepas bersalin, sesetengah wanita mengalami masalah perut buncit.
Cara untuk memulihkannya kembali ialah :
Campurkan sedikit kapur makan, lima helai daun sirih, beberapa titik minyak kayu putih dan satu sudu besar air limau nipis.
Sapukan ramuan ini pada perut dan pakailah bengkung.
Lakukan sehingga nampak perubahannya.
Tanak kelapa hingga menjadi minyak. Setelah sejuk, sapukan pada perut.
Biarkan selama 10 minit. Lakukan setiap hari sehingga menampakkan hasilnya.
Didihkan jadam dengan sedikit air asam jawa sehingga pekat.
Apabila suam, lumurkan pada perut sebelum memakai bengkung.
Bancuh sedikit asam jawa, segelas air panas dan garam.
Embunkannya semalaman.
Keesokkan paginya minum air tersebut sebelum membasuh muka.

Kaki Bersisik
Gosok buah mengkudu pada kaki yang bersisik. Biarkan selama 15 minit.
Kemudian baru dibersihkan. Selain daripada kaki bersisik,
petua ini boleh juga dilakukan pada jari kaki yang luka.
Campurkan segenggam hampas kelapa dengan sedikit asam jawa. Gosok berulang kali di bahagian kaki yang bersisik. Amalkan selalu.
Setiap hari sapukan sedikit minyak kelapa yang belum digunakan pada kaki yang bersisik.

Urat Timbul Di Kaki
Campurkan sebuku ragi, sedikit air limau nipis dan air sehingga sebati.
Sapukan pada urat yang timbul pada setiap malam.
Apabila tidur, letakkan kaki di atas bantal.
Campurkan sedikit asam jawa dan air sehingga pekat.
Sapukan pada kaki pada setiap malam.
Tinggikan kaki sedikit ketika tidur.
Rebus kacang hijau, minum airnya setiap pagi dan petang.
Buatlah senaman angkat kaki selama 10 minit sebelum tidur.

Tumit Kaki
PecahPelbagai petua boleh diamalkan untuk menyembuhkan tumit kaki yang pecah.
Antaranya ialah :-
Rendamkan kaki dalam air suam beberapa minit.
Kemudian gosokkan batu asah pisau pada tumit yang pecah tadi.
Lakukan sehingga berlaku perubahan.
Ambil getah betik yang masih muda.
Sapukan pada tumit yang pecah dan biarkan kering.
Selain getah betik, ubat gigi juga boleh digunakan.
Campurkan sedikit air perahan limau nipis dengan bawang putih yang telah dihancurkan. Sapukan pada tumit kaki yang pecah.
Lakukan secara berterusan sehingga sembuh
Geselkan kaki anda di rumput yang masih berembun pada waktu pagi.
Lakukan tiap-tiap hari sehingga anda merasakan perubahannya.
Bawang merah dibelah dua. Sapukan pada tumit kaki yang pecah sehingga kering.
Ulangi setiap hari sehingga sembuh.
Hancurkan gambir dan campurkan dengan air. Sapukan campuran ini pada tumit yang pecah.
Sapukan minyak lebihan mengoreng ikan pada tumit yang pecah.

Kaki Bengkak
Ketika Hamil : Rebus segenggam bulu jagung bersama sedikit air.
Biarkan sehingga menjadi satu gelas. Kemudian tapis dan minum setaip hari.

Kematu di Tumit Kaki
Campurkan sebiji buah belimbing buluh dengan air limau nipis.
Sapukan pada tempat yang kematu dan pecah-pecah.
Sapukan sedikit ubat gigi. Biarkan selama lima minit.
Kemudian basuh seperti biasa dengan sabun dan air biasa.

Cengkam Kuku Kaki
Panaskan beberapa biji limau pada api kayu.
Titiskan pada kuku yang mencengkam. Ulangi dua atau tiga kali sehari.

Ubat Sakit Kaki
Salai daun mengkudu beberapa minit.
Kemudian balutkan pada kaki.
Lakukan beberapa kali sehingga kaki sembuh
Tumbuk kunyit dan panaskan bersama minyak masak.
Sapukan pada bahagian yang sakit.
Kemudian balut dengan daun tembaga suasa.

Merawat Kuku Kaki
Titiskan cuka secukupnya di sekitar ibu jari kaki.
Kemudian bersihkan dengan air suam.
Anda akan dapati kotoran yang melekat pada kuku akan keluar dengan sendirinya.

Mengilatkan Kuku Kaki
Buang kulit bawang putih dan potong dua,
Gosokkan pada kuku kaki sekerap yang mungkin sehingga kelihatan berkilat.
Ulangilah selalu sehingga anda benar-benar berpuas hati.

Diary 4 Today

Hurm..rasa nak mengamuk pun ada..ape tak nya..
aku dgn harston penat buat report n slide presentation,
da la tak tido sepanjang malam..
alih2 group member yang lain plak tak prepare..
dok baca n no explaination plak.
malu la beb kena touture dgn lecture..
Hurm, tapi xpe..
hopefuly semua ni di jadikan pengajaran la..
itupun kalo mereka alert dgn semua ni..
petang aku ada satu lagi group presentation..
hopefully everythg is ok..
lagi satu..
next week da start mggu ulang kaji..
bermulalah penyakit malas aku ni..

Minggu Exam

wa..bila masuk je minggu exam ni..
kepala da start pening..
macam2 benda yg nk di fikir..time ni la banyak invitation dari luar..
nak tak nak terpaksa la tolak walaupun hati ni terasa na pergi..
hurm..tip da banyak bagi, tp entah nape rasa malas ja nak study..
dulu bukan main lagi excited masuk universiti,
sekarang hump..macam hampeh!
kalo bole semua nk skip,
huh.tapi kan..
kalo x teruskan belajar, macam mana nak pandai..
impian mak bapak pun kena ingat juga kan..
bukanpe..parent ni kadang2 hapy tgk ank2 maju dalam semua benda..
maklumlah..senang di kemudian hari..
so, tak baik juga aku ni selalu merungut pasal exam or pasal asgmnt..
pe2 hal pun kena teruskan..


How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach,
when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need,
by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely,
as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely,
as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love
I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,
I love thee with the breath,Smiles, tears, of all my life!
and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

Time is too slow for those who wait,
too swift for those who fear,
too long for those who grieve,
too short for those who rejoice,
but for those who love,
time is eternity.

"Life" explained by an MBA graduate

Interesting perspective…
"Life" explained by an MBA graduate
A boat docked in a tiny Mexican fishing village.
A tourist complimented the local fishermen on the quality of their fish and
asked how long it took him to catch them.
"Not very long." they answered in unison.
"Why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?"
The fishermen explained that their small catches were sufficient to meet their needs and those of their families.
"But what do you do with the rest of your time?"
"We sleep late, fish a little, play with our children, and take siestas with our wives.
In the evenings, we go into the village to see our friends,
have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs.
We have a full life."
The tourist interrupted,
"I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you!
You should start by fishing longer every day.
You can then sell the extra fish you catch.
With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat."
"And after that?" asked the fisherman.
"With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers..
Instead of selling your fish to a middle man, you can then negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant.
You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City, Los Angeles, or even New York City! From there you can direct your huge new enterprise."
"How long would that take?" asked the fisherman.
"Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years."
replied the tourist.
"And after that?" asked the fisherman.
The tourist answered" Afterward? Well my friend, that's when it gets really interesting, " answered the tourist, laughing.
"When your business gets really BIG,
you can start buying and selling stocks
and make Millions of DOLLARS!"
"Millions? Really? And after that?" asked the fisherman.
"After that you'll be able to retire,
live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late,
play with your children, catch a few fish,
take a siesta with your wife and
spend your evenings drinking and enjoying with your friends."
"That’s what I am doing now!!”
Replied the fisherman
The moral of this story is:
Know where you're going in life....you may already be there!!

My personality..Is it true?


You're a very mellow, care-free person. Your exactly what calm, cool, and collected mean. You never overreact or panic in a bad situation and you always know what to do. Everyone goes to you for advice because you never lose your head so your very reliable. You tend to take everything in stride, like in school your moto is just sit back and relax not to say you dont pay attention and work, but you dont overexert yourself. Even though people come to you for counciling(sp?) you can still be very quite, your not good with making new friends, but your extremely close to the ones you have. Remember its ok to put your emotions out there even though there is a chance they might get hurt. Also in school sometimes its good to stress out a little, just because you think you dont need to study doesnt mean you should'nt, and also try to push yourself more even though you might be good where you are doesnt mean you can,t be better. Check out my new short story.

Tak ubah seperti terrorist!

Tadi malam...

Berlaku sesuatu yang aku tak pernah bayangkan akan ku hadapi...
Bagaimana aku melihat "penagih cinta" menagih apa yang pernah dipersiakannya dahulu...

Sekadar menemani kawanku, berjumpa dengan bekas kekasihnya. Malam sungguh dingin, sedingin hatinya. Katanya ingin memulangkan barang-barang terakhir kekasihnya. Aku telah diingatkan akan perangai pelik bekas kekasihnya yang mampu bertindak di luar batasan dan perlakuan seorang manusia yang bertamadun...

Tetapi, dingin malam tak dapat menyejukkan keadaan yang menjadi tegang. Aku hanya mampu membatu seribu bahasa. Bagaikan jasad bernyawa melihatkan drama minggu ini. Hanya tuhan sahaja yang tahu bertapa bergeloranya hati aku. Sudah tentulah kawanku tu itu punya perasaan yang sama, tapi dia cool.

Bagaimana perasaan di tengking, di hamuk di khalayak ramai..bagaimana dia boleh menghadapinya? Bagaimana dia mampu bersama-sama seseorang yang di panggil kekasih sedangkan si kekasih tidak ubah seperti itu?

Kesan balingan batu pada kereta kawanku tidak separah kesan luka yang dikelar oleh bekas kekasihnya. Kataku, "si dia" pasti kembali..bukan kembali sebagai kekasih..

Kembali sebagai "terrorist"

Wajah Siapa Di Hati Mu

Balik kerja.Terus baring kat katil.Termenung...
Tetiba came across satu melodi di benak hati.Bingkas bangun.Terus capai PC.
www.google.com -> search for Azlina Aziz. Then cari mp3 lagu nie..dah lama giler tak dengar di corong radio

Wajah siapakah yang dikau cari
Setelah dikau mengecewakanku
Senyuman siapakah yang masih dikau nanti
Untuk mengisi kekosongan jiwa
Lembutnya lidah mengucapkan kata
Melafazkan dendammu rindukanku
Padamu hanayalah aku yang dapat menghiburmuD
an jua melenyapkan keresahan
( korus )
Tapi kini tiada lagi
Senyuman manis dan tawa mesramu
Terbiar aku...Keseorangan...
Derita melanda
Mengganggu hatikuMengapa begini
Berakhirnya duniaCintaku... sayang
Kembalilah dikau dalam hatiku
Terangilah segala kegelapan
Nyalakanlan semula obor cinta kita
Agar damai hatiku dan hatimu
( ulang korus hingga akhir)

Entah kenapa lately ni selalu aja teringat lagu-lagu lama yang dulu jadi siulan.
Maybe sebab teringat Siti pernah duet bersama Azlina Aziz.

Good hair day is a hey-day

After months of living in horror...with my hair!
I finally decided to do something about it. The thought that i had was long time ago but i kept deferring the plan. It was only yesterday i finally made up my mind to put my constant bad hair day to an end.
"You better keep your hair like how it used to be (spiky like durian's spike!)" Suggest many.
But then i'm sick of that same old style which i have been opted many years ago when short spiky hair were so in. Since i'm working, no longer to abide with campus rule to keep my hair short, it would be better if i keep it longer and longer. Voila, I look like pontianak (vampire) just after having orgasm!
Another reason i want to keep it long is because it will be winter when i reach Auckland in July, so i need some bulu (hair) to keep me warm besides my armpit hair.
Still refuse to trim my hair shorter, i told the hairstylist, "Can do something with my hair? I don't want 'lil kid crying seeing me at night!" He just gigled. Man, i must look that horrible, i thought seeing him still gigling.
The Indian hairstylist (excuse me, i didn't go to Mamak barber OK. Yeah it's very rare to see Indian hairstylist at upclass salon) suggested me to do relaxing and treatment for my frizzy hair. I believe my hair was on the right hand.
After two-hour of long wait and my brain was nearly cooked with the hot astronaut-like machine my hair look, better. I like the end result, but not to my other colleagues and friends.
"Ed your hair looks so...flat" Cheery said in shocked when we bumped into one another at Terminal Putra. Then Zarina said, "Shah your hair look like...rambut tepet (I don't know how to translate this!).
But since i did my hair, i can't help running my finger through my hair. i do it so often. In bus. While walking. In fornt of my PC. I do it everywhere and most of the time even while writing this entry. I like the feel of my smooth hair. And i also like the smell (though some said it smells like a burning joss stick (colok)).
"Shah stop it lah." One of my colleague, Swee Kee, asking me to quit but instead i do it more in front of her.
"Dulu banyak sikat yang patah tetapi setelah rawatan relaxing rambut saya lembut seperti membuat rawatan minyak panas." I made my own copywriting and acting my own commercial. Then the whole department laughing.
Crazy me. I dare to do that since my boss and my boss's boss not around. If they are in the office surely they fired me immediately. Leaving me no job and join thousands of unemployed graduates.
Whatever they may say about my hair, i like it. It's god giving, i should appreciate it though it needs a lot of money to invest yet i think it worth the money because our hair is our crown. If it combs nicely you'll look good and if it mess up you'll look the part.
So people out there take a good care of your hair before you start to loose it!

Note: I have lots of grey hair.

Ungu Violet

It's worth to watch this movie, Believe me!

Saat Lando menyapa Kalin

Lando dan kekecewaannya

Isi Hati Seorang Perindu Ibu

Sedikit pun tak kuelak akan kepergianmu
Dan sedikit pun tak kusesali kehilanganmu
Hanya saja aku selalu menangisi

Kenapa ketika aku tersungkur dalam luka,
dan kau membelai manjaaku tak merasa???

Kenapa ketika aku terjatuh pada celaka,
dan kau memeluk mesraaku tak merasa???

Kenapa ketika aku lelah pada masalah,
dan kau mengusap gelisah dengan sejuta kasihaku tak merasa???

Kini aku hilang mimpimenjadikanku gila diri
Kini aku melenggang sepimenjadikanku mati
Kini aku melangkah sunyi menjadikanku terbalut misteri

Dan kini,
aku sadar tanpamu aku hilang pegangan
Bimbangku dalam pandangan depan
Raguku pada jejak kaki yang samar dalam harapan
Lelahku pada akhir penantian sebuah jawaban
Biarlah dan sudahlah maka lupakanlah resah

diantara keramaian kota yang menenggelamkanku pada kepalsuan sebuah janji
Aku tetap tegar berdiri
Aku terus saja bernyanyi
Dan tiada hentiku menari-nari walau sendiri
Untuk melawan rindu yang kerap menghampiri

Kasihmu kan selamanya kudekap
Dalam balutan sekuntum mawar doa, kuselip namamu
Merajut benang sutra

Esok dan selamanya…
aku pasti kan menggenggam cintaNYA
Maafkan aku yang sesekali masih ragu dalam lugu

Without Hands

Sometimes we complained to God which has not gave perfect body to us, we are not too handsome or beauty, or many other complain about our physical look. But we rarely thanks to God that He has gave us complete body with two hands and two feet.
Pls see below picture and you will praise the Lord .....
Doctors do not know precisely why Jessica Cox was born without hands.Antenatal tests have not revealed this rare congenital defect. However,since infancy, its legs served it as hands. As well as all children, ithas passed through various stages of development. It has learned to eatindependently and as to write by means of legs. During all childhood, itparticipated in various actions, including: navigation, gymnastics,dances.
When she was a baby ....

When she learned dances ...

When she swims ...

When she learns navigations ...

When she drives ....

When she types something ....

Irish Friendship

Friends and kindness can not be split, it becomes one set of live.You will not get friend without any kindness on yr heart, and you also can not do a kindness without being a friend...

His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day,while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to thebog. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy,screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved thelad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death. The nextday, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparsesurroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out andintroduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.'I want to repay you,' said the nobleman. 'You saved my son's life.''No, I can't accept payment for what I did,' the Scottish farmerreplied waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own soncame to the door of the family hovel.'Is that your son?' the nobleman asked.'Yes,' the farmer replied proudly.'I'll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level ofeducation my own son will enjoy If the lad is anything like hisfather, he'll no doubt grow to be a man we both will be proud of.'And that he did. Farmer Fleming's son attended the very bestschools and in time, graduated from St. Mary's Hospital MedicalSchool in London, and went on to become known throughout the worldas the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved from the bogwas stricken with pneumonia.What saved his life this time? Penicillin.The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill.His son's name? Sir Winston Churchill.Someone once said: What goes around comes around.Work like you don't need the money.Love like you've never been hurt.Dance like nobody's watching.Sing like nobody's listening.Live like it's Heaven on Earth.AN IRISH FRIENDSHIP WISH:May there always be work for your hands to do;May your purse always hold a coin or two;May the sun always shine on your windowpane;May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;May the hand of a friend always be near you;May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.and may you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows your'edead.

Word of Wisdom

Word of Wisdom below will mean a lot to us if we see and feel it as a part of our life ...

A Broken Promise

Sometimes we never count the effect of our respon as a parent to our kids, but it can effect for life to our kids. Through this story pls think about it, can you fix the heart of a child who has been disappointed by his father which broken a promise? How can you restore trust when their belief has been destroyed? How you can restore the excitement eyes of the child?

A man aged 40 years coming consultation. He recounts the incident that makes him so disappointed, but already over 28 years. Which be very worried about, that experience still influence him until now!

"That time I was 12 years old. My scout groups plan to camp with the father. I'm very happy and want to notify the father. I wanted to show him my ability. I'm happy when the father welcomed the plan."

"Than come the waited day. I have been ready with all the equipment in the terrace, ready to put in a car when father went home after work. According to the plan we will gather in the school at 5 pm, and depart to the camp together. But until seven o'clock, my father has not returned."
"I'm so anxious. But when father returned, he said that there are office jobs that must be completed. He said to me not too worry because we can wake up early in the morning tomorrow and go to the camp. Moreover we have a map location. Of course I am disappointed, but I try to accept it with patience."
"The next day, I wake up early in the morning to put all the equipment in the car. My father said we would leave around seven o'clock. I have ready a half hour before that, but my father did not wake up until half to ten."
"When he see I was ready, my father even said that actually he got back pain so its hurt for him to sleep on ground. He hope I can understand and be mature. More disapointed, I have to dismantle all that has been prepared because my father have another appointment."
"With sad of heart I put outside the sleeping bag, stove, tents, food and all supplies that has been in a car. Then when my father thought I was going, I see him go to a garage, take the golf equipment, to enter the baggage, and go to meet appointment with others. At that time I realized that my father actually never wanted to go camping but do not dare to say to me "
The child has now become an old man who is in consultation with us. His father has died, but the memories are painful his childhood and continue to affect his life and his family for many years. imagine how great the impact!

A child can love, trust, serve, share, give and create. With the help of God, a father can dig up all the depth of the heart of a child.

The Ladder of Love

Another Love Story which will show to us that love have a big power to make a great thing ....

A love story recently came out of China and directly touch the whole world.This story is the story of a man and an older woman, who fled themselves to live together and love each other in peace for half a century.China men aged 70 years who had carved 6000 staircase with hands(hand carved) for his wife 80-year-old who had died in the cave which become their home during the last 50 years.50 years ago, Liu Guojiang, youth 19 years old, fell in love with a widow 29-year old named Xu Chaoqin ....Like the story of Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), their friends and relatives denounce their relationship because the age difference between them and the fact that Xu already had children ....At that time, it can not be accepted and considered immoral if a boy loves older women. To avoid gossip and taunts from the surroundings, the couple decided to flee and live in a cave in Jiangjin village, in the south Chong Qing.At first their life were very poor, because they do not have nothing, no electricity or even food. They had to eat grass and roots they found in the mountain. And Liu made a kerosene lamp to illuminate their lives.Xu always felt that she had tied Liu and he repeatedly asked, "Are you sorry?" Liu always replied, "As long as we are industrious, life will be better".After 2 years they lived in the mountain, Liu began to carve the steps so his wife can go down the mountain with ease. And this goes on for 50 years.Half a century later, in 2001, a group of travelers (adventurers) conduct exploration into the forest. They were astonished to find that the elderly couple and also 6000 steps have been made by Liu.Sun Sheng Liu, one of their 7 children say, "My parents really love each other, they live alone for more than 50 years and never split a single day. During the 6000's father had carved steps to cheer up my mother's heart, even though she was not too often down the mountain.The couple lived in peace for more than 50 years.
One day Liu's 72-year-old fainted when he returned from his farm. Xu sat and prayed with her husband until Liu finally died in her arms. Because so loved him, Liu’s grasp is very difficult to released from the Xu’s hands."You have promised to take care of me and will continue with me until I die, now you've ahead of me, how I will be able to live without you?"For several days Xu keeps repeating this sentence, fingering her husband's casket with tears down her cheeks.In the year 2006 the story became one of 10 famous love story in China, collected by the Chinese Women Weekly magazine.The government has decided to preserve that “the ladder of love", and their residence has become a museum so that this love story can live on.Sources : Unknown Author

Nine Steps to Forgiveness

Know exactly how you feel about what happened and be able to articulate what about the situation is not OK. Then, tell a trusted couple of people about your experience.

Make a commitment to yourself to do what you have to do to feel better. Forgiveness is for you and not for anyone else.

Forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person that hurt you, or condoning of their action. What you are after is to find peace. Forgiveness can be defined as the "peace and understanding that come from blaming that which has hurt you less, taking the life experience less personally, and changing your grievance story."

Get the right perspective on what is happening. Recognize that your primary distress is coming from the hurt feelings, thoughts and physical upset you are suffering now, not what offended you or hurt you two minutes - or ten years -ago. Forgiveness helps to heal those hurt feelings.

At the moment you feel upset practice a simple stress management technique to soothe your body's flight or fight response.

Give up expecting things from other people, or your life , that they do not choose to give you. Recognize the "unenforceable rules" you have for your health or how you or other people must behave. Remind yourself that you can hope for health, love, peace and prosperity and work hard to get them.

Put your energy into looking for another way to get your positive goals met than through the experience that has hurt you. Instead of mentally replaying your hurt seek out new ways to get what you want.

Remember that a life well lived is your best revenge. Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, and thereby giving the person who caused you pain power over you, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. Forgiveness is about personal power.

Amend your grievance story to remind you of the heroic choice to forgive.

Love Story Of The Month

My Love My Soul

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice but falling in love with you I had no control over....I remember the first day when i saw him in class. He was wearing white shirt and black pant. I just looked at him and was impressed by his personality....... days passed........... and just a hello hi sort of conversation continued. In November he sent me an SMS. I messaged him and asked " who are you". He called me and informed. Then we used to send forwarded messages to each other. Sometimes he used to comment on those messages and i felt very nice. One day he added me on orkut. Daily i used to look at his pics for hours. I dont know why i used to look but i felt something for him. Then we started chatting and there was a sort of excitement. We even started talking on phones. The whole day i used to wait for the night so that we can chat. we became friends but my feelings for him grew more and more as the time passed. Then one evening he called and asked "can we meet?" . It was an unexpected surprise for me which changed my whole life. I said yes!!!!!!!!!! and we met at lake. It was cold out there. He came running..........my heart started beating at full speed. We started walking ...........he was a bit fast. I wanted to tel him to be lil slow but i didnt. I became speechless. I wanted to look into his eyes but i looked here and there...............infact on everthing except him. We came back to parking area and he sat on my kinetic ................and i sat behind him and took a small round of that area. That was toooooooooo romantic but i was pretending to be normal. We went back to our homes ............And i recalled every moment spent together again and again. We met again at lake. He was with his friend. We ate petty and my hands started shivering though i was warm enough....... he jumped and told his friend...........i felt shy as if i did something wrong. His friend went and we both sat.......lake never seemed to me so beautiful as i felt at that time. We both were sitting closely..... I wanted to say You are what I never knew I always wanted........ Next time we went in a garden. He had to go back home also but he was not in a hurry. He asked me suddenly " What is going on between us". I became confused ......smiled and didnt gave any reply. He asked me again and again but i was silent. I couldnt sleep at night..........! I was in love! After he came back from his home, we met again in a garden. It was dark all around ....... He said that nothing can happen. All my hopes were shattered. I came back home and cried a lot. I felt as if i am worthless.............not good for anything. Every time i used to open my orkut account i could see him. So i decided to delete him so that i can forget him. He used to message me n i used to reply. I always felt nice whenever he used to send me a message. I again added him on orkut and said sorry with the add request. He called me on new year and said we will meet when he comes back. I again started thinking about him........we met.......on 26th January at his residence. We played all sorts of games. Then suddenly he said " what if i kiss you?" . I became numb........ I said " i know you will not do". He remained very busy with his office work so i never forced him to meet me frequently. We met on 10th feb (his birthday) for five minutes. It was drizzling. I didnt wanted to say bye but i had to........ We met again in March on Holi. That was the turning point of our relationship........where our eyes said everything to each other. The most eloquent silence.........where only love existed. We met again and again and came more close..............more...................more n more. Actually, there is no remedy for love but to love more. Whenever I meet him.... I feel the same charm as I felt on the first day. I want to be with him forever n ever n ever............! Amen!

Top 12 Things Men Really Hate Most About Women

Women, did you know there are 12 things that you do that man tend to hate most of all? It's true these things that women either know or don't know that they do. What are these 12 things that women should avoid? They are:

1. Not Sticking to Agreements

When agreements are made, women tend to break them or change them to suit their needs, no matter what the situation is.

2. Keeping Their Feelings

It's stereotypical to believe women share automatically how they are feeling. Actually, women will hold in their feelings until they are asked often enough that they spill what is on their minds.

3. Try to Change Their Men

Women often understand men but don't agree with the way they are. Women try to change them to suit their needs or leave them alone completely.

4. Mate Comparison

Women, sometimes unknowingly, compare their current mate to their ex in terms of negative aspects. Comparisons should be made when it's favorable.

5. Belittling His Hobbies

Everyone has a hobby or two that their mate doesn't like. However, you should never keep them from doing it. Also, never demand that they take an interest in your hobby. The message you send is that your hobbies are much more important than is and that's not the message you should be sending.

6. Gossiping

While it would seem to stroke the man's ego, men don't like women gossiping about them, whether it's good or bad. It doesn't matter.

7. Nagging

Men do not like it when a woman constantly nags them about getting things done whether or not it's with good intentions.

8. Interruption

Believe it or not, a man needs to talk to so it's best you listen with an open mind and not try to interrupt. Men do not like it when a woman listens but looks impatient to talk too. If you interrupt him with something else not relevant to the current conversation, you could create tension between the both of you.

9. Solution Oriented vs. Conversation Oriented

Men like to get to the bottom of things so don't get upset if they don't want to talk for hours about a particular subject.

10. Beauty Conscious

Men do not like it when a woman spends a lot of time looking at herself in the mirror but still looks the same as she always does.

11. Paranoia

Men don't like it when a woman gets paranoid about the way she looks. If your man doesn't like the way you look, they wouldn't be with you.

12. Insecure/Jealously

Believe it or not, men do not like jealousy, even a small bit. This is especially true if you are out on a date together and catch their eye wander. You make a wise crack about it. This actually annoys them very much.
If you don't want to drive your man up the wall, then stay away from these 12 blundering mistakes and work on more positive outlet to keep your man.

The Three Most Important Things in my Life

Have you ever sat back and thought about important things in your life?? Well I have. Just read and you'll know why the three most important thing in my life are my family, school, and friends. The first most important thing in my life is my family. Family is most important to me beacause no matter what happens they always stick up for me. One day I can argue with them and they still make me look good when someone talks bad. One day I can get mad and say something unnecessary and they still understand and forgive me for it. Another reason family is important to me is beacause they help me when I'm in trouble. In eigth grade when I almost didn't graduate because of my grades they sta me down and talked about why school is important in life.

School is also important because it will give me a better future. They also motivated me to keep my grades up so I can get into a good college. When I felt like quitting football, my friends pushed me to keep playing by saying that I can someday make the pros and get paid for playing. Staying in school will help me be a responsible and successful person in the real world. by going to school and then college will help me get a good paying job that will let me live a not very stressed life. School is important because it is teaching me responsibility. Having consequences for turning in assignments gets me ready for the work place by having me do things by a certain time or paying the consequences. If I feel like doing a bad thing like fighting they'll calm me down and stop me from getting into trouble. Another time is when I was getting picked on by bigger kids and my family talked to them about what would happen if they keep doing it and the kids stopped. Friends play a bigrole in my life because they help me make decisions. Those are the reasons why the three most iportant things in my life are family, school, and friends. The third imporatnt thing in my life is my friends. By having a certain amount of tardies or absences the school will have you placed in and alternate school program. As you read, did you think about the important things in your life? Well, I thought and that is what I came up with.

Showing Love

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5 sebab dia bukan cemburu buta

Tahukah kamu dalam perhubungan cinta sebenarnya cemburu itu memang perlu? Tapi bukanlah cemburu buta yang tak berasas. Di sini di nyatakan 5 keadaan di mana si dia bukanlah cemburu buta jika :

1. Walaupun dia cemburu, tapi dia tetap percayakan kamu untuk membenarkan kamu keluar bersama-sama teman baik kamu. Takkan nak berkepit 24 jam.

2. Dia tidak mudah cemburu bila tiba-tiba saja kamu menerima panggilan daripada lelaki/perempuan yang tidak dikenali.

3. Sanggup menerima penjelasan kamu bila terdengar gosip kononnya kamu keluar dengan lelaki/wanita lain.

4. Tidak kisah kalau kamu beri alasan sibuk dan tidak dapat jumpa dia. Dia tahu kamu memang sibuk dengan kerja dan tidak menganggap kamu sengaj acari helah untuk keluar dengan orang lain.

5. Hanya tersenyum bila ada yang memuji kecantikkan/ketampanan kamu di hadapannya. Yang penting kamu memilikinya.

Okay? Ingat, cemburu memang perlu tapi biarlah berpada-pada. Cemburu buta hanya akan memporak-perandakan hubungan anda bersama insan tersayang..


Renungan buat semua

Jika suatu hari nanti kamu berasa berasa kecewa itu amat pedih,
fikirkanlah bagaimana pedihnya orang yang pernah kamu kecewakan

Isyarat mata dan senyuman dapat menzahirkan cinta walaupun hati cuba menyembunyikannya

Janganlah kamu menjadi seumpama bunga plastik yang hanya cantik untuk dipandang,
tetapi tidak mampu mengeluarkan bau yang wangi

Lambat laun, kecantikan akan lenyap.
Oleh itu, carilah perempuan yang cantik agar kecantikannya akan kekal lebih lama daripada yang hodoh

Cinta pertama hanyalah satu kebodohan dan dipenuhi persoalan
George Bernard Shaw

Dalam mencari teman hidup, sememangnya rupa paras itu tidak penting,
tetapi lebih teruk lagi seandainya rupa paras tiada dan perangainya teruk pula
Pencari Jodoh

Cinta adalah seumpama pohon. Untuk membesar ia perlu dibajai.
Baja cinta adalah kesabaran dan cemburu yang minima

Janganlah menghancurkan kebahagiaan orang lain jika kita tidak mahu kebahagiaan kita dikecewakan

Sayang..hidup kita tidak akan berubah menjadi lebih baik dari masa lalu
jika kita tidak pernah mahu mengubah ke arah kebaikan

Sayang..kiranya aku meninggal lebih dahulu darimu,
hanya satu saja pesanan yang berharga dapat kutitipkan buatmu iaitu jadilah insan yang bertaqwa

Hargailah kasih sayang seseorang sewaktu dia bersama kita
kerana tidak guna berasa kehilangannya setelah dia pergi

Hati kita tidak lagi mudah dikecewakan oleh manusia setelah kita rasa betapa kelazatan cinta kepada Allah

Biarlah kita kehilangan kekasih, asalkan kita tidak kehilangan rahmat Allah


Kiranya keresahan melanda dirimu
Kiranya lenaanmu diundang kekalutan
Kiranya irama syahdu menggamit seribu kenangan
Itulah hembusan rinduku
Kiranya jiwamu bergelora mengukir rindu
Kiranya bayangku bermain difikiranmu
Kiranya bicaraku berbisik di istana hatimu
Kiranya senyumanku menggegarkan pintu kalbumu
Itulah lintasan suci wajah cintaku

Madah seorang kekasih

Usah Ditangisi Pemergian Seorang Kekasih
Yang Tidak Menjanjikan Sinar Kebahagiaan
Tangisilah Dengan Hamparan Doa Kepada Yang Esa
Demi Sebuah Ketenagan Abadi

Starting with new Month

October means my new aged will be turn..
October means my life will fully with joful, love an hapiness..
October means so many thing i'm wanna 2 do..
Octbober means is something new in my life..
October means my time would be extreme..
October means i have to prepare for my exam on next month..
Octber means EVERYTHING...

Tests and exams are a regular part of the school environment. It is important that exams be kept in proportion - they are important, but not the end of the world. Some things can be done to make exams a more valuable, worthwhile and less threatening experience for students.

1. Have all necessary material with you

You can't borrow items such as pens, pencils,
rulers or special equipment while in an examination.

2. Have a relaxing night before your exams

Have an early night, and try to have a healthy breakfast.

3. Read the entire paper.

Where you have choices, decide which ones you plan to answer.

4. Plan your time.

Spend some time drafting a plan for the questions you choose to answer.

5. Jot down ideas as they come to you.

While you are answering one question, information about another may suddenly occur to you.
Jot it down somewhere because when you come to that question perhaps an hour later, you may have forgotten it.

6. Don't leave any questions unanswered.

If you are short of time, use note form.
Remember, you can only be marked on the answers you give.

7. Never leave the room early.

If you have time at the end, go over your work, add information (eg in the margin). You can't return if you suddenly remember a fact after you have left.

8. Do not spend too long on multiple choice questions.

With multiple choice questions it is best to cover the answers and work out your own before looking at the choices on paper. If you can't answer the question come back to it later - have a guess.

9. Never omit an entire question.

No matter how well you answer other questions, you must leave time for all questions - a perfect answer can still only earn a certain number of marks. If you write nothing, you can't receive any marks and you have lost all your marks for a particular question. Write something - it may at least give you a few points.

10. Maintain a stable energy level.

Eating foods such as chocolate bars before an exam might give you an energy boost to begin with but your blood sugar levels will drop within an hour and your energy will plunge dramatically, making it hard for you to concentrate
Awet Muda
Jika anda inginkan muda, sering tersenyum adalah salah satu petuanya.
Selain daripada itu, cubalah ikut petua berikutnya:
Kisar beberapa jambul nanas dan rebus dengan air selama setengah jam.
Anggarkan air rebusan tinggal satu cawan.
Setelah sejuk barulah diminum.
Amalkan meminumnya seminggu sekali.
Wanita hamil dilarang mengamalkan cara ini.
Amalkan makan sayuran jenis daun dan ulam-ulam untuk awet muda.

Melentik Bulu Mata
Mata adalah salah satu daya penarik bagi seseorang.
Untuk memiliki mata yang cantik, di sini ada satu cara yang boleh diamalkan :-
Ambil daun lidah buaya.
Sapukan lendirnya pada bulu mata sebelum tidur.
Lakukannya berterusan

Melebatkan Bulu Kening
Bakar dua biji buah keras hingga hitam. Kemudian tumbuk hingga halus.
Sapukan pada kening setiap hari sebelum tidur.
Keesokkannya bersihkan dengan air.
Kening akan nampak lebih lebat dan menarik.

Melebatkan Bulu Mata
Rendam satu sudu besar teh di dalam air panas.
Setelah sejuk sapukan air teh di bulu mata anda. Amalkan selalu.

Mencantikkan Rambut
Daun limau purut juga boleh digunakan untuk mencantikkan rambut.
Caranya :
Ramas beberapa helai daun limau purut, sedikit air dan bunga raya.
Apabila sebati, tapis airnya dan lumurkan pada rambut anda.
Di samping memberi keharuman pada rambut ia juga menyejukkan kulit kepala.
Campurkan beberapa helai daun rambutan dengan sedikit air.
Ramas sehingga keluar airnya.
Ketika mandi, lumurkan pada rambut dan biarkan selama 15 minit.
Kemudian bilas dengan air bersih.

Hindari Rambut Gugur
Masukkan tiga sudu besar serbuk teh ke dalam secawan air mendidih.
Kemudian tapiskan.
Bancuh air teh bersama sedikit serbuk inai dan sebiji putih telur hingga sebati.
Apabila sebati, sapukan pada kulit kepala dan biarkan selama tiga jam.
Seelok-eloknya amalkan dua minggu sekali.
Tumbuk sedikit arang sehingga lumat. Kemudian campur dengan minyak kelapa.
Sapukan ramuan ini pada seluruh rambut dan biarkan selama dua jam.
Basuh rambut dengan syampu dan keringkan.
Lakukan seminggu sekali.
Campurkan air asam jawa dan santan ke dalam satu bekas.
Masukkan beberapa kuntum bunga kenanga atau bunga-bunga yang wangi.
Basuh rambut menggunakan campuran tersebut.
Rambut akan berbau harum tanpa disyampu.

Melebatkan Rambut
Setelah selesai makan, basuh tangan hingga bersih.
Tangan yang masih basah itu, lapkan pada rambut dengan berselawat tiga kali.
Ambil arang dari pokok getah, keringkan beberapa hari dan tumbuk hingga lumat.
Lumurkan ramuan ini pada rambut dan dicuci. Lakukan setiap hari.

Menghilangkan Kelemumur
Kelemumur menyebabkan kepala gatal dan mengotorkan rambut. Cara untuk mengatasinya ialah :-
Selepas rambut dibasuh, lumurkan dengan beberapa potong limau nipis. Biarkan selama 15 minit. Kemudian cuci dengan air sehingga bersih. Kelemumur bukan sahaja dapat diatasi bahkan rambut menjadi lembut dan bersinar.
Kisar tiga batang serai bersama dua biji limau nipis hingga lumat. Kemudian tapis dan ambil patinya. Sapu pada seluruh rambut seperti menggunakan syampu. Gosok rata-rata dan biarkan selama 15 minit. Bilas dengan air biasa hingga bersih. Amalkan dua kali seminggu.
Rendam halba dan kacang hijau selama setengah jam. Kemudian tumbuk sehingga hancur. Campurkan ke dalam secawan santan pekat dan sapukan pada rambut. Biarkan selama 15 minit sebelum dibilas dengan air bersih. Lakukan dua kali seminggu.

Rambut Berbuah
Ramas daun pinang. Kemudian campurkan sedikit garam kasar dan air.
Sapukan pada rambut. Bairkan selama 30 minit.
Bilas dengan air bersih. Lakukan dua minggu sekali.

Meluruskan Rambut
Ambil santan perahan pertama dari sebiji kelapa tua.
Kemudian masukkan sebiji air perahan limau nipis ke dalam santan tersebut.
Sapukan sekali sehari. Setelah itu cuci rambut dengan air sejuk.
Amalkan selama seminggu.

Mencantikkan Payu Dara
Ramai wanita yang inginkan payu dara yang cantik.
Cara untuk memilikinya ialah :-
Panaskan dua sudu besar minyak sapi kemudian sejukkan.
Sapu dan urutkan di sekeliling payu dara selama 15 minit.
Basahkan tuala dengan air suam, kemudian lap sehingga bersih.
Tumbuk sepuluh ulas bawang merah hingga halus.
Kemudian sapukan di sekitar payu dara.
Jangan terkena pada putingnya. Biarkan selama 15 minit.
Kemudian bilas dengan air bersih seperti biasa.

Payu Dara Membengkak
Daun kacang panjang dan daun sirih dibersihkan.
Ramaskan kedua-duanya hingga hancur dan tampalkan pada buah dada.
Buat berulang-ulang kali sehingga kering. Cuci dengan air bersih.

Menegangkan Payu Dara
Ibu-ibu yang menyusukan anak bimbang payu dara mereka akan menjadi kendur.
Cara untuk mengatasinya ialah dengan cara :-
Sapukan sedikit minyak kelapa pada permukaan daun sirih yang segar.
Kemudian layurkan di atas api yang sederhana panasnya.
Setelah layu, ramas dan sapukan pada payu dara kecuali putingnya.
Lakukan selama tiga hari berturut-turut.

Mengempiskan Perut
Jika anda makan nasi jangan disulami dengan air.
Ini untuk mengelakkan perut buncit.
Sebaiknya minum air dua atau tiga jam selepas makan.
Selepas bersalin, sesetengah wanita mengalami masalah perut buncit.
Cara untuk memulihkannya kembali ialah :
Campurkan sedikit kapur makan, lima helai daun sirih, beberapa titik minyak kayu putih dan satu sudu besar air limau nipis.
Sapukan ramuan ini pada perut dan pakailah bengkung.
Lakukan sehingga nampak perubahannya.
Tanak kelapa hingga menjadi minyak. Setelah sejuk, sapukan pada perut.
Biarkan selama 10 minit. Lakukan setiap hari sehingga menampakkan hasilnya.
Didihkan jadam dengan sedikit air asam jawa sehingga pekat.
Apabila suam, lumurkan pada perut sebelum memakai bengkung.
Bancuh sedikit asam jawa, segelas air panas dan garam.
Embunkannya semalaman.
Keesokkan paginya minum air tersebut sebelum membasuh muka.

Kaki Bersisik
Gosok buah mengkudu pada kaki yang bersisik. Biarkan selama 15 minit.
Kemudian baru dibersihkan. Selain daripada kaki bersisik,
petua ini boleh juga dilakukan pada jari kaki yang luka.
Campurkan segenggam hampas kelapa dengan sedikit asam jawa. Gosok berulang kali di bahagian kaki yang bersisik. Amalkan selalu.
Setiap hari sapukan sedikit minyak kelapa yang belum digunakan pada kaki yang bersisik.

Urat Timbul Di Kaki
Campurkan sebuku ragi, sedikit air limau nipis dan air sehingga sebati.
Sapukan pada urat yang timbul pada setiap malam.
Apabila tidur, letakkan kaki di atas bantal.
Campurkan sedikit asam jawa dan air sehingga pekat.
Sapukan pada kaki pada setiap malam.
Tinggikan kaki sedikit ketika tidur.
Rebus kacang hijau, minum airnya setiap pagi dan petang.
Buatlah senaman angkat kaki selama 10 minit sebelum tidur.

Tumit Kaki
PecahPelbagai petua boleh diamalkan untuk menyembuhkan tumit kaki yang pecah.
Antaranya ialah :-
Rendamkan kaki dalam air suam beberapa minit.
Kemudian gosokkan batu asah pisau pada tumit yang pecah tadi.
Lakukan sehingga berlaku perubahan.
Ambil getah betik yang masih muda.
Sapukan pada tumit yang pecah dan biarkan kering.
Selain getah betik, ubat gigi juga boleh digunakan.
Campurkan sedikit air perahan limau nipis dengan bawang putih yang telah dihancurkan. Sapukan pada tumit kaki yang pecah.
Lakukan secara berterusan sehingga sembuh
Geselkan kaki anda di rumput yang masih berembun pada waktu pagi.
Lakukan tiap-tiap hari sehingga anda merasakan perubahannya.
Bawang merah dibelah dua. Sapukan pada tumit kaki yang pecah sehingga kering.
Ulangi setiap hari sehingga sembuh.
Hancurkan gambir dan campurkan dengan air. Sapukan campuran ini pada tumit yang pecah.
Sapukan minyak lebihan mengoreng ikan pada tumit yang pecah.

Kaki Bengkak
Ketika Hamil : Rebus segenggam bulu jagung bersama sedikit air.
Biarkan sehingga menjadi satu gelas. Kemudian tapis dan minum setaip hari.

Kematu di Tumit Kaki
Campurkan sebiji buah belimbing buluh dengan air limau nipis.
Sapukan pada tempat yang kematu dan pecah-pecah.
Sapukan sedikit ubat gigi. Biarkan selama lima minit.
Kemudian basuh seperti biasa dengan sabun dan air biasa.

Cengkam Kuku Kaki
Panaskan beberapa biji limau pada api kayu.
Titiskan pada kuku yang mencengkam. Ulangi dua atau tiga kali sehari.

Ubat Sakit Kaki
Salai daun mengkudu beberapa minit.
Kemudian balutkan pada kaki.
Lakukan beberapa kali sehingga kaki sembuh
Tumbuk kunyit dan panaskan bersama minyak masak.
Sapukan pada bahagian yang sakit.
Kemudian balut dengan daun tembaga suasa.

Merawat Kuku Kaki
Titiskan cuka secukupnya di sekitar ibu jari kaki.
Kemudian bersihkan dengan air suam.
Anda akan dapati kotoran yang melekat pada kuku akan keluar dengan sendirinya.

Mengilatkan Kuku Kaki
Buang kulit bawang putih dan potong dua,
Gosokkan pada kuku kaki sekerap yang mungkin sehingga kelihatan berkilat.
Ulangilah selalu sehingga anda benar-benar berpuas hati.
Hurm..rasa nak mengamuk pun ada..ape tak nya..
aku dgn harston penat buat report n slide presentation,
da la tak tido sepanjang malam..
alih2 group member yang lain plak tak prepare..
dok baca n no explaination plak.
malu la beb kena touture dgn lecture..
Hurm, tapi xpe..
hopefuly semua ni di jadikan pengajaran la..
itupun kalo mereka alert dgn semua ni..
petang aku ada satu lagi group presentation..
hopefully everythg is ok..
lagi satu..
next week da start mggu ulang kaji..
bermulalah penyakit malas aku ni..
wa..bila masuk je minggu exam ni..
kepala da start pening..
macam2 benda yg nk di fikir..time ni la banyak invitation dari luar..
nak tak nak terpaksa la tolak walaupun hati ni terasa na pergi..
hurm..tip da banyak bagi, tp entah nape rasa malas ja nak study..
dulu bukan main lagi excited masuk universiti,
sekarang hump..macam hampeh!
kalo bole semua nk skip,
huh.tapi kan..
kalo x teruskan belajar, macam mana nak pandai..
impian mak bapak pun kena ingat juga kan..
bukanpe..parent ni kadang2 hapy tgk ank2 maju dalam semua benda..
maklumlah..senang di kemudian hari..
so, tak baik juga aku ni selalu merungut pasal exam or pasal asgmnt..
pe2 hal pun kena teruskan..
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach,
when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need,
by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely,
as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely,
as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love
I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,
I love thee with the breath,Smiles, tears, of all my life!
and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

Time is too slow for those who wait,
too swift for those who fear,
too long for those who grieve,
too short for those who rejoice,
but for those who love,
time is eternity.

Interesting perspective…
"Life" explained by an MBA graduate
A boat docked in a tiny Mexican fishing village.
A tourist complimented the local fishermen on the quality of their fish and
asked how long it took him to catch them.
"Not very long." they answered in unison.
"Why didn't you stay out longer and catch more?"
The fishermen explained that their small catches were sufficient to meet their needs and those of their families.
"But what do you do with the rest of your time?"
"We sleep late, fish a little, play with our children, and take siestas with our wives.
In the evenings, we go into the village to see our friends,
have a few drinks, play the guitar, and sing a few songs.
We have a full life."
The tourist interrupted,
"I have an MBA from Harvard and I can help you!
You should start by fishing longer every day.
You can then sell the extra fish you catch.
With the extra revenue, you can buy a bigger boat."
"And after that?" asked the fisherman.
"With the extra money the larger boat will bring, you can buy a second one and a third one and so on until you have an entire fleet of trawlers..
Instead of selling your fish to a middle man, you can then negotiate directly with the processing plants and maybe even open your own plant.
You can then leave this little village and move to Mexico City, Los Angeles, or even New York City! From there you can direct your huge new enterprise."
"How long would that take?" asked the fisherman.
"Twenty, perhaps twenty-five years."
replied the tourist.
"And after that?" asked the fisherman.
The tourist answered" Afterward? Well my friend, that's when it gets really interesting, " answered the tourist, laughing.
"When your business gets really BIG,
you can start buying and selling stocks
and make Millions of DOLLARS!"
"Millions? Really? And after that?" asked the fisherman.
"After that you'll be able to retire,
live in a tiny village near the coast, sleep late,
play with your children, catch a few fish,
take a siesta with your wife and
spend your evenings drinking and enjoying with your friends."
"That’s what I am doing now!!”
Replied the fisherman
The moral of this story is:
Know where you're going in life....you may already be there!!


You're a very mellow, care-free person. Your exactly what calm, cool, and collected mean. You never overreact or panic in a bad situation and you always know what to do. Everyone goes to you for advice because you never lose your head so your very reliable. You tend to take everything in stride, like in school your moto is just sit back and relax not to say you dont pay attention and work, but you dont overexert yourself. Even though people come to you for counciling(sp?) you can still be very quite, your not good with making new friends, but your extremely close to the ones you have. Remember its ok to put your emotions out there even though there is a chance they might get hurt. Also in school sometimes its good to stress out a little, just because you think you dont need to study doesnt mean you should'nt, and also try to push yourself more even though you might be good where you are doesnt mean you can,t be better. Check out my new short story.

Tadi malam...

Berlaku sesuatu yang aku tak pernah bayangkan akan ku hadapi...
Bagaimana aku melihat "penagih cinta" menagih apa yang pernah dipersiakannya dahulu...

Sekadar menemani kawanku, berjumpa dengan bekas kekasihnya. Malam sungguh dingin, sedingin hatinya. Katanya ingin memulangkan barang-barang terakhir kekasihnya. Aku telah diingatkan akan perangai pelik bekas kekasihnya yang mampu bertindak di luar batasan dan perlakuan seorang manusia yang bertamadun...

Tetapi, dingin malam tak dapat menyejukkan keadaan yang menjadi tegang. Aku hanya mampu membatu seribu bahasa. Bagaikan jasad bernyawa melihatkan drama minggu ini. Hanya tuhan sahaja yang tahu bertapa bergeloranya hati aku. Sudah tentulah kawanku tu itu punya perasaan yang sama, tapi dia cool.

Bagaimana perasaan di tengking, di hamuk di khalayak ramai..bagaimana dia boleh menghadapinya? Bagaimana dia mampu bersama-sama seseorang yang di panggil kekasih sedangkan si kekasih tidak ubah seperti itu?

Kesan balingan batu pada kereta kawanku tidak separah kesan luka yang dikelar oleh bekas kekasihnya. Kataku, "si dia" pasti kembali..bukan kembali sebagai kekasih..

Kembali sebagai "terrorist"

Balik kerja.Terus baring kat katil.Termenung...
Tetiba came across satu melodi di benak hati.Bingkas bangun.Terus capai PC.
www.google.com -> search for Azlina Aziz. Then cari mp3 lagu nie..dah lama giler tak dengar di corong radio

Wajah siapakah yang dikau cari
Setelah dikau mengecewakanku
Senyuman siapakah yang masih dikau nanti
Untuk mengisi kekosongan jiwa
Lembutnya lidah mengucapkan kata
Melafazkan dendammu rindukanku
Padamu hanayalah aku yang dapat menghiburmuD
an jua melenyapkan keresahan
( korus )
Tapi kini tiada lagi
Senyuman manis dan tawa mesramu
Terbiar aku...Keseorangan...
Derita melanda
Mengganggu hatikuMengapa begini
Berakhirnya duniaCintaku... sayang
Kembalilah dikau dalam hatiku
Terangilah segala kegelapan
Nyalakanlan semula obor cinta kita
Agar damai hatiku dan hatimu
( ulang korus hingga akhir)

Entah kenapa lately ni selalu aja teringat lagu-lagu lama yang dulu jadi siulan.
Maybe sebab teringat Siti pernah duet bersama Azlina Aziz.
After months of living in horror...with my hair!
I finally decided to do something about it. The thought that i had was long time ago but i kept deferring the plan. It was only yesterday i finally made up my mind to put my constant bad hair day to an end.
"You better keep your hair like how it used to be (spiky like durian's spike!)" Suggest many.
But then i'm sick of that same old style which i have been opted many years ago when short spiky hair were so in. Since i'm working, no longer to abide with campus rule to keep my hair short, it would be better if i keep it longer and longer. Voila, I look like pontianak (vampire) just after having orgasm!
Another reason i want to keep it long is because it will be winter when i reach Auckland in July, so i need some bulu (hair) to keep me warm besides my armpit hair.
Still refuse to trim my hair shorter, i told the hairstylist, "Can do something with my hair? I don't want 'lil kid crying seeing me at night!" He just gigled. Man, i must look that horrible, i thought seeing him still gigling.
The Indian hairstylist (excuse me, i didn't go to Mamak barber OK. Yeah it's very rare to see Indian hairstylist at upclass salon) suggested me to do relaxing and treatment for my frizzy hair. I believe my hair was on the right hand.
After two-hour of long wait and my brain was nearly cooked with the hot astronaut-like machine my hair look, better. I like the end result, but not to my other colleagues and friends.
"Ed your hair looks so...flat" Cheery said in shocked when we bumped into one another at Terminal Putra. Then Zarina said, "Shah your hair look like...rambut tepet (I don't know how to translate this!).
But since i did my hair, i can't help running my finger through my hair. i do it so often. In bus. While walking. In fornt of my PC. I do it everywhere and most of the time even while writing this entry. I like the feel of my smooth hair. And i also like the smell (though some said it smells like a burning joss stick (colok)).
"Shah stop it lah." One of my colleague, Swee Kee, asking me to quit but instead i do it more in front of her.
"Dulu banyak sikat yang patah tetapi setelah rawatan relaxing rambut saya lembut seperti membuat rawatan minyak panas." I made my own copywriting and acting my own commercial. Then the whole department laughing.
Crazy me. I dare to do that since my boss and my boss's boss not around. If they are in the office surely they fired me immediately. Leaving me no job and join thousands of unemployed graduates.
Whatever they may say about my hair, i like it. It's god giving, i should appreciate it though it needs a lot of money to invest yet i think it worth the money because our hair is our crown. If it combs nicely you'll look good and if it mess up you'll look the part.
So people out there take a good care of your hair before you start to loose it!

Note: I have lots of grey hair.

It's worth to watch this movie, Believe me!

Saat Lando menyapa Kalin

Lando dan kekecewaannya

Sedikit pun tak kuelak akan kepergianmu
Dan sedikit pun tak kusesali kehilanganmu
Hanya saja aku selalu menangisi

Kenapa ketika aku tersungkur dalam luka,
dan kau membelai manjaaku tak merasa???

Kenapa ketika aku terjatuh pada celaka,
dan kau memeluk mesraaku tak merasa???

Kenapa ketika aku lelah pada masalah,
dan kau mengusap gelisah dengan sejuta kasihaku tak merasa???

Kini aku hilang mimpimenjadikanku gila diri
Kini aku melenggang sepimenjadikanku mati
Kini aku melangkah sunyi menjadikanku terbalut misteri

Dan kini,
aku sadar tanpamu aku hilang pegangan
Bimbangku dalam pandangan depan
Raguku pada jejak kaki yang samar dalam harapan
Lelahku pada akhir penantian sebuah jawaban
Biarlah dan sudahlah maka lupakanlah resah

diantara keramaian kota yang menenggelamkanku pada kepalsuan sebuah janji
Aku tetap tegar berdiri
Aku terus saja bernyanyi
Dan tiada hentiku menari-nari walau sendiri
Untuk melawan rindu yang kerap menghampiri

Kasihmu kan selamanya kudekap
Dalam balutan sekuntum mawar doa, kuselip namamu
Merajut benang sutra

Esok dan selamanya…
aku pasti kan menggenggam cintaNYA
Maafkan aku yang sesekali masih ragu dalam lugu
Sometimes we complained to God which has not gave perfect body to us, we are not too handsome or beauty, or many other complain about our physical look. But we rarely thanks to God that He has gave us complete body with two hands and two feet.
Pls see below picture and you will praise the Lord .....
Doctors do not know precisely why Jessica Cox was born without hands.Antenatal tests have not revealed this rare congenital defect. However,since infancy, its legs served it as hands. As well as all children, ithas passed through various stages of development. It has learned to eatindependently and as to write by means of legs. During all childhood, itparticipated in various actions, including: navigation, gymnastics,dances.
When she was a baby ....

When she learned dances ...

When she swims ...

When she learns navigations ...

When she drives ....

When she types something ....

Friends and kindness can not be split, it becomes one set of live.You will not get friend without any kindness on yr heart, and you also can not do a kindness without being a friend...

His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day,while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to thebog. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy,screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved thelad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death. The nextday, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparsesurroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out andintroduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.'I want to repay you,' said the nobleman. 'You saved my son's life.''No, I can't accept payment for what I did,' the Scottish farmerreplied waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own soncame to the door of the family hovel.'Is that your son?' the nobleman asked.'Yes,' the farmer replied proudly.'I'll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level ofeducation my own son will enjoy If the lad is anything like hisfather, he'll no doubt grow to be a man we both will be proud of.'And that he did. Farmer Fleming's son attended the very bestschools and in time, graduated from St. Mary's Hospital MedicalSchool in London, and went on to become known throughout the worldas the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved from the bogwas stricken with pneumonia.What saved his life this time? Penicillin.The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill.His son's name? Sir Winston Churchill.Someone once said: What goes around comes around.Work like you don't need the money.Love like you've never been hurt.Dance like nobody's watching.Sing like nobody's listening.Live like it's Heaven on Earth.AN IRISH FRIENDSHIP WISH:May there always be work for your hands to do;May your purse always hold a coin or two;May the sun always shine on your windowpane;May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;May the hand of a friend always be near you;May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.and may you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows your'edead.

Word of Wisdom below will mean a lot to us if we see and feel it as a part of our life ...

Sometimes we never count the effect of our respon as a parent to our kids, but it can effect for life to our kids. Through this story pls think about it, can you fix the heart of a child who has been disappointed by his father which broken a promise? How can you restore trust when their belief has been destroyed? How you can restore the excitement eyes of the child?

A man aged 40 years coming consultation. He recounts the incident that makes him so disappointed, but already over 28 years. Which be very worried about, that experience still influence him until now!

"That time I was 12 years old. My scout groups plan to camp with the father. I'm very happy and want to notify the father. I wanted to show him my ability. I'm happy when the father welcomed the plan."

"Than come the waited day. I have been ready with all the equipment in the terrace, ready to put in a car when father went home after work. According to the plan we will gather in the school at 5 pm, and depart to the camp together. But until seven o'clock, my father has not returned."
"I'm so anxious. But when father returned, he said that there are office jobs that must be completed. He said to me not too worry because we can wake up early in the morning tomorrow and go to the camp. Moreover we have a map location. Of course I am disappointed, but I try to accept it with patience."
"The next day, I wake up early in the morning to put all the equipment in the car. My father said we would leave around seven o'clock. I have ready a half hour before that, but my father did not wake up until half to ten."
"When he see I was ready, my father even said that actually he got back pain so its hurt for him to sleep on ground. He hope I can understand and be mature. More disapointed, I have to dismantle all that has been prepared because my father have another appointment."
"With sad of heart I put outside the sleeping bag, stove, tents, food and all supplies that has been in a car. Then when my father thought I was going, I see him go to a garage, take the golf equipment, to enter the baggage, and go to meet appointment with others. At that time I realized that my father actually never wanted to go camping but do not dare to say to me "
The child has now become an old man who is in consultation with us. His father has died, but the memories are painful his childhood and continue to affect his life and his family for many years. imagine how great the impact!

A child can love, trust, serve, share, give and create. With the help of God, a father can dig up all the depth of the heart of a child.
Another Love Story which will show to us that love have a big power to make a great thing ....

A love story recently came out of China and directly touch the whole world.This story is the story of a man and an older woman, who fled themselves to live together and love each other in peace for half a century.China men aged 70 years who had carved 6000 staircase with hands(hand carved) for his wife 80-year-old who had died in the cave which become their home during the last 50 years.50 years ago, Liu Guojiang, youth 19 years old, fell in love with a widow 29-year old named Xu Chaoqin ....Like the story of Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), their friends and relatives denounce their relationship because the age difference between them and the fact that Xu already had children ....At that time, it can not be accepted and considered immoral if a boy loves older women. To avoid gossip and taunts from the surroundings, the couple decided to flee and live in a cave in Jiangjin village, in the south Chong Qing.At first their life were very poor, because they do not have nothing, no electricity or even food. They had to eat grass and roots they found in the mountain. And Liu made a kerosene lamp to illuminate their lives.Xu always felt that she had tied Liu and he repeatedly asked, "Are you sorry?" Liu always replied, "As long as we are industrious, life will be better".After 2 years they lived in the mountain, Liu began to carve the steps so his wife can go down the mountain with ease. And this goes on for 50 years.Half a century later, in 2001, a group of travelers (adventurers) conduct exploration into the forest. They were astonished to find that the elderly couple and also 6000 steps have been made by Liu.Sun Sheng Liu, one of their 7 children say, "My parents really love each other, they live alone for more than 50 years and never split a single day. During the 6000's father had carved steps to cheer up my mother's heart, even though she was not too often down the mountain.The couple lived in peace for more than 50 years.
One day Liu's 72-year-old fainted when he returned from his farm. Xu sat and prayed with her husband until Liu finally died in her arms. Because so loved him, Liu’s grasp is very difficult to released from the Xu’s hands."You have promised to take care of me and will continue with me until I die, now you've ahead of me, how I will be able to live without you?"For several days Xu keeps repeating this sentence, fingering her husband's casket with tears down her cheeks.In the year 2006 the story became one of 10 famous love story in China, collected by the Chinese Women Weekly magazine.The government has decided to preserve that “the ladder of love", and their residence has become a museum so that this love story can live on.Sources : Unknown Author

Know exactly how you feel about what happened and be able to articulate what about the situation is not OK. Then, tell a trusted couple of people about your experience.

Make a commitment to yourself to do what you have to do to feel better. Forgiveness is for you and not for anyone else.

Forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person that hurt you, or condoning of their action. What you are after is to find peace. Forgiveness can be defined as the "peace and understanding that come from blaming that which has hurt you less, taking the life experience less personally, and changing your grievance story."

Get the right perspective on what is happening. Recognize that your primary distress is coming from the hurt feelings, thoughts and physical upset you are suffering now, not what offended you or hurt you two minutes - or ten years -ago. Forgiveness helps to heal those hurt feelings.

At the moment you feel upset practice a simple stress management technique to soothe your body's flight or fight response.

Give up expecting things from other people, or your life , that they do not choose to give you. Recognize the "unenforceable rules" you have for your health or how you or other people must behave. Remind yourself that you can hope for health, love, peace and prosperity and work hard to get them.

Put your energy into looking for another way to get your positive goals met than through the experience that has hurt you. Instead of mentally replaying your hurt seek out new ways to get what you want.

Remember that a life well lived is your best revenge. Instead of focusing on your wounded feelings, and thereby giving the person who caused you pain power over you, learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. Forgiveness is about personal power.

Amend your grievance story to remind you of the heroic choice to forgive.
My Love My Soul

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice but falling in love with you I had no control over....I remember the first day when i saw him in class. He was wearing white shirt and black pant. I just looked at him and was impressed by his personality....... days passed........... and just a hello hi sort of conversation continued. In November he sent me an SMS. I messaged him and asked " who are you". He called me and informed. Then we used to send forwarded messages to each other. Sometimes he used to comment on those messages and i felt very nice. One day he added me on orkut. Daily i used to look at his pics for hours. I dont know why i used to look but i felt something for him. Then we started chatting and there was a sort of excitement. We even started talking on phones. The whole day i used to wait for the night so that we can chat. we became friends but my feelings for him grew more and more as the time passed. Then one evening he called and asked "can we meet?" . It was an unexpected surprise for me which changed my whole life. I said yes!!!!!!!!!! and we met at lake. It was cold out there. He came running..........my heart started beating at full speed. We started walking ...........he was a bit fast. I wanted to tel him to be lil slow but i didnt. I became speechless. I wanted to look into his eyes but i looked here and there...............infact on everthing except him. We came back to parking area and he sat on my kinetic ................and i sat behind him and took a small round of that area. That was toooooooooo romantic but i was pretending to be normal. We went back to our homes ............And i recalled every moment spent together again and again. We met again at lake. He was with his friend. We ate petty and my hands started shivering though i was warm enough....... he jumped and told his friend...........i felt shy as if i did something wrong. His friend went and we both sat.......lake never seemed to me so beautiful as i felt at that time. We both were sitting closely..... I wanted to say You are what I never knew I always wanted........ Next time we went in a garden. He had to go back home also but he was not in a hurry. He asked me suddenly " What is going on between us". I became confused ......smiled and didnt gave any reply. He asked me again and again but i was silent. I couldnt sleep at night..........! I was in love! After he came back from his home, we met again in a garden. It was dark all around ....... He said that nothing can happen. All my hopes were shattered. I came back home and cried a lot. I felt as if i am worthless.............not good for anything. Every time i used to open my orkut account i could see him. So i decided to delete him so that i can forget him. He used to message me n i used to reply. I always felt nice whenever he used to send me a message. I again added him on orkut and said sorry with the add request. He called me on new year and said we will meet when he comes back. I again started thinking about him........we met.......on 26th January at his residence. We played all sorts of games. Then suddenly he said " what if i kiss you?" . I became numb........ I said " i know you will not do". He remained very busy with his office work so i never forced him to meet me frequently. We met on 10th feb (his birthday) for five minutes. It was drizzling. I didnt wanted to say bye but i had to........ We met again in March on Holi. That was the turning point of our relationship........where our eyes said everything to each other. The most eloquent silence.........where only love existed. We met again and again and came more close..............more...................more n more. Actually, there is no remedy for love but to love more. Whenever I meet him.... I feel the same charm as I felt on the first day. I want to be with him forever n ever n ever............! Amen!
Women, did you know there are 12 things that you do that man tend to hate most of all? It's true these things that women either know or don't know that they do. What are these 12 things that women should avoid? They are:

1. Not Sticking to Agreements

When agreements are made, women tend to break them or change them to suit their needs, no matter what the situation is.

2. Keeping Their Feelings

It's stereotypical to believe women share automatically how they are feeling. Actually, women will hold in their feelings until they are asked often enough that they spill what is on their minds.

3. Try to Change Their Men

Women often understand men but don't agree with the way they are. Women try to change them to suit their needs or leave them alone completely.

4. Mate Comparison

Women, sometimes unknowingly, compare their current mate to their ex in terms of negative aspects. Comparisons should be made when it's favorable.

5. Belittling His Hobbies

Everyone has a hobby or two that their mate doesn't like. However, you should never keep them from doing it. Also, never demand that they take an interest in your hobby. The message you send is that your hobbies are much more important than is and that's not the message you should be sending.

6. Gossiping

While it would seem to stroke the man's ego, men don't like women gossiping about them, whether it's good or bad. It doesn't matter.

7. Nagging

Men do not like it when a woman constantly nags them about getting things done whether or not it's with good intentions.

8. Interruption

Believe it or not, a man needs to talk to so it's best you listen with an open mind and not try to interrupt. Men do not like it when a woman listens but looks impatient to talk too. If you interrupt him with something else not relevant to the current conversation, you could create tension between the both of you.

9. Solution Oriented vs. Conversation Oriented

Men like to get to the bottom of things so don't get upset if they don't want to talk for hours about a particular subject.

10. Beauty Conscious

Men do not like it when a woman spends a lot of time looking at herself in the mirror but still looks the same as she always does.

11. Paranoia

Men don't like it when a woman gets paranoid about the way she looks. If your man doesn't like the way you look, they wouldn't be with you.

12. Insecure/Jealously

Believe it or not, men do not like jealousy, even a small bit. This is especially true if you are out on a date together and catch their eye wander. You make a wise crack about it. This actually annoys them very much.
If you don't want to drive your man up the wall, then stay away from these 12 blundering mistakes and work on more positive outlet to keep your man.
Have you ever sat back and thought about important things in your life?? Well I have. Just read and you'll know why the three most important thing in my life are my family, school, and friends. The first most important thing in my life is my family. Family is most important to me beacause no matter what happens they always stick up for me. One day I can argue with them and they still make me look good when someone talks bad. One day I can get mad and say something unnecessary and they still understand and forgive me for it. Another reason family is important to me is beacause they help me when I'm in trouble. In eigth grade when I almost didn't graduate because of my grades they sta me down and talked about why school is important in life.

School is also important because it will give me a better future. They also motivated me to keep my grades up so I can get into a good college. When I felt like quitting football, my friends pushed me to keep playing by saying that I can someday make the pros and get paid for playing. Staying in school will help me be a responsible and successful person in the real world. by going to school and then college will help me get a good paying job that will let me live a not very stressed life. School is important because it is teaching me responsibility. Having consequences for turning in assignments gets me ready for the work place by having me do things by a certain time or paying the consequences. If I feel like doing a bad thing like fighting they'll calm me down and stop me from getting into trouble. Another time is when I was getting picked on by bigger kids and my family talked to them about what would happen if they keep doing it and the kids stopped. Friends play a bigrole in my life because they help me make decisions. Those are the reasons why the three most iportant things in my life are family, school, and friends. The third imporatnt thing in my life is my friends. By having a certain amount of tardies or absences the school will have you placed in and alternate school program. As you read, did you think about the important things in your life? Well, I thought and that is what I came up with.

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5 sebab dia bukan cemburu buta

Tahukah kamu dalam perhubungan cinta sebenarnya cemburu itu memang perlu? Tapi bukanlah cemburu buta yang tak berasas. Di sini di nyatakan 5 keadaan di mana si dia bukanlah cemburu buta jika :

1. Walaupun dia cemburu, tapi dia tetap percayakan kamu untuk membenarkan kamu keluar bersama-sama teman baik kamu. Takkan nak berkepit 24 jam.

2. Dia tidak mudah cemburu bila tiba-tiba saja kamu menerima panggilan daripada lelaki/perempuan yang tidak dikenali.

3. Sanggup menerima penjelasan kamu bila terdengar gosip kononnya kamu keluar dengan lelaki/wanita lain.

4. Tidak kisah kalau kamu beri alasan sibuk dan tidak dapat jumpa dia. Dia tahu kamu memang sibuk dengan kerja dan tidak menganggap kamu sengaj acari helah untuk keluar dengan orang lain.

5. Hanya tersenyum bila ada yang memuji kecantikkan/ketampanan kamu di hadapannya. Yang penting kamu memilikinya.

Okay? Ingat, cemburu memang perlu tapi biarlah berpada-pada. Cemburu buta hanya akan memporak-perandakan hubungan anda bersama insan tersayang..


Jika suatu hari nanti kamu berasa berasa kecewa itu amat pedih,
fikirkanlah bagaimana pedihnya orang yang pernah kamu kecewakan

Isyarat mata dan senyuman dapat menzahirkan cinta walaupun hati cuba menyembunyikannya

Janganlah kamu menjadi seumpama bunga plastik yang hanya cantik untuk dipandang,
tetapi tidak mampu mengeluarkan bau yang wangi

Lambat laun, kecantikan akan lenyap.
Oleh itu, carilah perempuan yang cantik agar kecantikannya akan kekal lebih lama daripada yang hodoh

Cinta pertama hanyalah satu kebodohan dan dipenuhi persoalan
George Bernard Shaw

Dalam mencari teman hidup, sememangnya rupa paras itu tidak penting,
tetapi lebih teruk lagi seandainya rupa paras tiada dan perangainya teruk pula
Pencari Jodoh

Cinta adalah seumpama pohon. Untuk membesar ia perlu dibajai.
Baja cinta adalah kesabaran dan cemburu yang minima

Janganlah menghancurkan kebahagiaan orang lain jika kita tidak mahu kebahagiaan kita dikecewakan

Sayang..hidup kita tidak akan berubah menjadi lebih baik dari masa lalu
jika kita tidak pernah mahu mengubah ke arah kebaikan

Sayang..kiranya aku meninggal lebih dahulu darimu,
hanya satu saja pesanan yang berharga dapat kutitipkan buatmu iaitu jadilah insan yang bertaqwa

Hargailah kasih sayang seseorang sewaktu dia bersama kita
kerana tidak guna berasa kehilangannya setelah dia pergi

Hati kita tidak lagi mudah dikecewakan oleh manusia setelah kita rasa betapa kelazatan cinta kepada Allah

Biarlah kita kehilangan kekasih, asalkan kita tidak kehilangan rahmat Allah

Kiranya keresahan melanda dirimu
Kiranya lenaanmu diundang kekalutan
Kiranya irama syahdu menggamit seribu kenangan
Itulah hembusan rinduku
Kiranya jiwamu bergelora mengukir rindu
Kiranya bayangku bermain difikiranmu
Kiranya bicaraku berbisik di istana hatimu
Kiranya senyumanku menggegarkan pintu kalbumu
Itulah lintasan suci wajah cintaku

Usah Ditangisi Pemergian Seorang Kekasih
Yang Tidak Menjanjikan Sinar Kebahagiaan
Tangisilah Dengan Hamparan Doa Kepada Yang Esa
Demi Sebuah Ketenagan Abadi

October means my new aged will be turn..
October means my life will fully with joful, love an hapiness..
October means so many thing i'm wanna 2 do..
Octbober means is something new in my life..
October means my time would be extreme..
October means i have to prepare for my exam on next month..
Octber means EVERYTHING...